the garden: it is our very own rainforest on 2 blocks of land.

my dad: he likes to wear fedoras and other ganster wear.

the girls: we are at one of our favourite lunch places, Omeros Brothers at Marina Mirage drinking Pinot Gris and eating seafood.

tamagodon: this is from our very favourite lunch place, Amimoto in the Lido Arcade.

our walks: this is down at the park where we have walked our dogs for a million years.

the dog: his name is Sparticus but he also goes by Sparty, Spotty Dog, Cafe Latticus, Pull-apart-ticus, Little Dog and Golden Child. He is a dalmation cross with a blue heeler.

my dad: he likes to wear fedoras and other ganster wear.

the girls: we are at one of our favourite lunch places, Omeros Brothers at Marina Mirage drinking Pinot Gris and eating seafood.

tamagodon: this is from our very favourite lunch place, Amimoto in the Lido Arcade.

our walks: this is down at the park where we have walked our dogs for a million years.

the dog: his name is Sparticus but he also goes by Sparty, Spotty Dog, Cafe Latticus, Pull-apart-ticus, Little Dog and Golden Child. He is a dalmation cross with a blue heeler.
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