From the bright lights and terrific sights of NY we headed south to Cuba where something dysentary-like set in. It wasn't all bad (the place is an amazing leap back in time) as there was heaps of salsa dancing and the odd rooster friend in Trinidad...
This was then followed by a million hamburgers in Los Angeles where the living is meant to be clean.
So I'm back in Melbourne and things are pretty much how they've always been: I'm still in St Kilda and still totally unsatisfied with my wardrobe.
My exciting news is that I've taken over a company and am working really bloody hard to make it a complete success. The new work means my writing is on the backburner a bit so I'm going to start back on the old blog. Say Yay!
My exciting news is that I've taken over a company and am working really bloody hard to make it a complete success. The new work means my writing is on the backburner a bit so I'm going to start back on the old blog. Say Yay!
Your work is so great, and so inspirational! I can't wait to continue seeing more and more of it!